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Welcome to the

Jérôme Meyer

In the middle of  Alsace, on the Wine Route, a quiet little winemakers village is nested among the hills: Blienschwiller! Here, the vineyards has been feeding men from time immemorial, away from prying eyes to keep wine making a secret.

You, Alsace people, or you, foreigner, I will be glad to meet you in a fun and relaxed atmosphere over a glass of good wine

In vino veritas

Then, as the saying goes, “In vino veritas”, I will uncover the secrets of an ancestral know-how, passed from father to son.

Once the knowledge learnt, you will be able to share the secret, a glass of wine in your hand.


Our Gîte

House adjoining that of the owner located in the wine village, on the Wine Route, in central Alsace, near tourist sites, halfway between Colmar and Strasbourg.

  • 8 people

  • 4 rooms

  • 100 m2

  • Private parking



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Retrouvez les vins du Domaine Jérôme Meyer au Salon Egast du ?? 27 ??́????? ?? 2 ???? Je serais présent tous les après-midi à partir de…
En place pour la dernière animation avant le grand soir de Noël au Le Théâtre du Vin Strasbourg Cronenberg pour vous faire découvrir des pépites !Jo…
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22 Route des Vins

Opening time
  • Lu - Ve

    8h - 19h

  • Samedi

    8h - 17h

  • Dimanche

    8h - 12h


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